After 26 years in the beautiful, historic port of Saint Petersburg, a storm struck. Pirates took the city, then the country. It's still under seige. My ship fled west by south. Currently aground on the shores of Lake Erie trying to effect repairs. That will take time. Wish me luck.

Listen to all my "new old sea songs" right here -
click the player widget below!

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Help me re-float my ship!

In April 2022 my wife and I lost our home and all we had built together thru 26 years in Saint Petersburg Russia when we had to leave because it was no longer safe for us. After 2 years I'm ready to try to re-float my musical ship, but I have no tools anymore.  I'm going to need help from folks like you.  

My most recent track

My most popular video

The surviving traditional shanties from olden times are about men. But the womenfolk the sailors left ashore must have had some of their own. This Kipling-inspired shanty imagines one theme they might have sung about.

Such beautiful harmonies, and a fun and dramatic spirit to the music and words. They are positively addictive!!!”

Eric Ewazen, composer & professor, Juilliard School of Music

